Alcoholic Brain

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have an alcoholic brain. I will try to post comments daily about how this alcoholic brain functions.
Sober date: October 4th, 2004.

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Location: West Coast, United States

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Any day now...

I meet with my sponsor every Tuesday at 1:30pm, usually for an hour and a half.  We meet at this little Drive Thru place where you can go in and have eats and sodas, coffee etc...We do the double or triple shot esspresso latte thing. I can't remember what they are called. But they are potent. Anyway the first thing I said when I sat down was "At some of these we balked." I was talking about my seemingly inability to finish my Fourth Step. Appears when I get to it, I notice that the lawn needs to be vacuumed. I had to ask for help and examples about what this thing is about, and I got some good answers.  I found a good Fourth Step guide on the internet.  My printer is down for the count, so he is going to print it out for me. I hope to have the thing Wednesday. I already had about 70 plus pages of confusion completed, but it just isn't fearless and thorough enough. I concluded I was one on those that need step by step instruction on how to properly do that step. I'm glad I had the balls to ask for help. Many of us skip this step. I know me, and if I don't do these things, I will eventually drink again. My disease will back up and tow me right off. After much study and experience, I have concluded that I am an alcoholic of the hopeless variety. Without these Steps to bring about a spiritual awakening, alcoholism will kick my ass. It would only be a matter of time...

Today I am grateful for:

  • Having the obsession of alcohol removed

  • Having the willingness to change

  • Having the courage to ask for help

  • An awesome sponsor who knows me better than me

  • My meetings and friends in the fellowship of AA

  • Hangin' with the sober boyz at the Club

  • My awesome and loving family

  • The ability to pray

  • The ability to have faith and hope

  • That I have a place to live, food to eat, and wheels

  • The ability to think things through

  • To all my blogger friends in recovery that help me so much!

  • To be able to see, hear, smell and touch

  • The ability to love

  • The ability to place principles before personalities

Have a sober Wednesday!! AB loves you!


Blogger Carly said...

Awesome, awesome gratitude list.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, fearless, with a metal pen filled with black in k ready to kick some butt!

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one healthy list!
Thanks for sharing:)

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great list

6:16 PM  
Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

70 plus pages? Oh my! That is going to be one long, healthy fifth.

6:37 PM  
Blogger dAAve said...

This is what it's all about.
Honesty and perseverance.
I don't think a 4th step is all about quantity. It's about including those things and people that have affected your life in one way or another. My 4th step was only 3 pages and it was all I needed. But we're all different.
Good post.

3:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wow ~ 70 pages is quite alot. We all have a fourth and fifth step story. This is your path. Only you can walk it. Just keep on walkin!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Pam Jarnagin said...

Yeah, I'm so scared of getting to #4 and #9 that I'm dragging my feet on Step 1, and all I have to do is list 300 things I'm powerless over and do some readings.

I love your gratitude list, especially "The ability to love." That is beautiful, my friend!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a nice weekend.

8:54 AM  

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