Alcoholic Brain

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have an alcoholic brain. I will try to post comments daily about how this alcoholic brain functions.
Sober date: October 4th, 2004.

My Photo
Location: West Coast, United States

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I haven't been feeling well the past several days.  This MRSA seems to be kicking my butt. It makes me feel tired all the time. I have been sleeping a lot. I voted today and went down and cleaned the Alano Club.  I feel good about that.  Saturday, I went to the Birthday Potluck and my sponsor presented me with my one year coin. I hadn't been to a birthday potluck in a long time. I was surprised at the small turn out.   The reason may be, that the monthly thing has yet to find a place to rent on a regular basis for a while. Alcoholics don't like it when things get moved around it seems. The people were nice and the food was great, so I'll be back. I ate this brown stuff with these white things in it that was really good. I don't know what it was. I should have asked. But I'm shy, and that is one of my many defects of character. Physically, I feel terrible, but I'm happy I'm clean and sober. Hope nobody gets tricked today...


Blogger Trudging said...

HAApy birthdAAy!

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween friend. Feel better externally. You got the most important one down, clean and sober!

12:25 PM  
Blogger dAAve said...

Yeah, Happy Birthday.
Brown, with white things inside? hmmmmmmmm...

4:35 PM  
Blogger Meg Moran said...

I searched for keywords "brown stuff" and "white things" luck. Thought maybe I could send you a fresh batch for your birthday. Oh well. Congrats will have to do.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Mama Dukes said...

hope you feel better today and brain? be careful of eating brown stuff with white things in it

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deborah reminded me of your blog so I came to visit. Glad to hear you received a 1 year coin. That is amazing. When I got mine they told me, "now the hard part begins" and I wondered how the hell I would make it after the hellish 1st year, but they must've been referring to a number of things like complanceny, drifting away, pink clouds, etc, because my HP never abandoned me and the people in AA never did either.

7:36 AM  
Blogger Carly said...

Congratulations on earning your 1-year coin! Hope you're feeling better...

3:28 PM  
Blogger jake said...

what's up AB?.....

3:29 PM  

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