Alcoholic Brain

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have an alcoholic brain. I will try to post comments daily about how this alcoholic brain functions.
Sober date: October 4th, 2004.

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Location: West Coast, United States

Friday, July 14, 2006

I am Root...

That isn't just a Linux saying. Self-centeredness is the ROOT of all our problems. Tonight's Big Book study meeting was great. There were only guys there so we were able to talk about the days of self-centeredness in reference to sex. We don't get to talk much about sex at AA here. It's important. Don't abuse it. It's a gift from God, please treat accordingly!! I had to share the following with a fellow blogger tonight, so I guess I'll just post it:From the movie, "The Sixth Sense." My twisted version:

"I see stupid people, walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't even know they're stupid. I see them everywhere."
By the grace of God go I...

I'm sleepy. G'night all, and thanks for another 24. Ya'll rock! Oh, and thanks for not smoking in here...


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