Alcoholic Brain

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have an alcoholic brain. I will try to post comments daily about how this alcoholic brain functions.
Sober date: October 4th, 2004.

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Location: West Coast, United States

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Almost outta my mind!

One of those alcoholic (Whining sound here) I can't sleep nights. So when I can't sleep I try to do something with my mind, and my hands. Get your mind outta the gutter! So, I thought I'd build a web page. I have some web space over at GOOGLE, so I wrote a little cutie of a slideshow with JavaScript and an mp3. Took me about 5 hours to write it...I got it ready and went to upload it to my site, and guess what??!! GOOGLE does not support JavaScript!!?? They have these WYSIWYG HTML editors that any moron can use to make themselves a cute little web page, but one cannot edit or code their own HTML. Now isn't that sweet. I got a little pissed-off. So, I implemented the very short version of the Serenity prayer. It works. So, now I'll try another web host...Maybe Bravenet. I got a surprise yesterday. A young man I'm sponsoring knocked at my door. He spent the last three months in inpatient treatment, but he left early. He was working 40 hours a week while there and received little to zero counseling. From the sound of things, it wasn't so hot. So we have to get him a job, and a place to live. I think he has a place to go to Thursday. Maybe we will hit a meeting tonight. That would be a good thing. My paid friend (therapist) says I'm near cured of psychcological problems so she discharged me, and left the door open for me in case I have a "crisis." She's cool. I'm sure I'll do therapy again. I enjoy finding out about me, in a safe place where I know I won't get judged or any of that other nonsense. I seem to be doing well with the back injury problems so life is putting a smile on my face and so is a sweet lady friend of mine. It's a parttime/fulltime thing. A one day at a time deal...Way cool...Sober another 24, so you all can go back to sleep now...buh bye!!


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