Lady Friends...
One lady in particular...Over the past two weeks, I have shared much of my story with this friend, it was like doing a fifth step. I am less afraid to share with her, than men friends, because macho guys don't share feelings and sad stories usually. Unless you saw "Brokeback Mountain," and I haven't...Yet. So many times I have shared my stuff with people and what I disclosed was ultimately used against me. Emotional blackmail I call it. Trust turned to betrayal. People in recovery that can't keep their mouths shut about other peoples problems really piss me off. I know they do it to make themselves feel better, but why do it in a room full of people!!?? Example: Why must a man spill personal stuff about an old girlfriend. By my definition, that isn't love, and never was. Anyway, back to my lady friend. She has been an inspiration to me over the years. I admire the work she does with other women in AA, and the service work she does. She reminds me of the old me. Now, I'm just old. But I'm sober today, and that's what matters most. I wouldn't trade this woman's friendship for anything. Trust is hard to find these days. At least it is for me, having been betrayed so often. This person is a rarity, and I'm gonna hold onto this friendship with both hands...I have to, if I want to recover the right way...
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