Alcoholic Brain

Hi and thanks for visiting. I have an alcoholic brain. I will try to post comments daily about how this alcoholic brain functions.
Sober date: October 4th, 2004.

My Photo
Location: West Coast, United States

Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday Big Book Study...

This horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, why the long face?" I went to the Big Book study meeting tonight. It was nice to chair a meeting. Was nice to see the regular faces. There was a guy there who found himself at his second meeting. I can't remember if he had a get well card from the judge or not, but he was pretty raw. I saw me. I recognized that crazed look, like the deer in the headlights. He shared some heavy stuff that he may feel responsible for. Anyway I picked the chapter "More About Alcoholism." That chapter is a lot about me, and I don't mind being selfish. It was cool too because there were no women at the meeting. I was able to focus. I have trouble with skirts. It's a guy thing. Testosterone. But I know it is deeper than that. I'm not used to the "single" thing, but I know it is best for me. I enjoy relationships and all those sweet benefits that go with it. Anyway next week, I hope to get officers going for that group and get my butt into service work. I hope to see that new guy too. I pray he comes back. It's Friday night. Almost 11:00pm...Where is SHE?

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